The laboratory for analysing asbestos of Friulana Costruzioni Group offers a complete service from inspections through sampling and the analysis of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) up to the monitoring of the air in daily life environments and work environments. Besides supporting our construction sites, our laboratory offers its competence to public bodies, companies, and private individuals and guarantees effective solutions for environmental analysis.
The main activities of our laboratory are divided into three categories: inspections, sampling, and analysis.

The inspections carried out by our experienced team are crucial to assessing and managing environmental risks. Here are some of our services:
- ACM census: suspicious asbestos-containing materials are detected and classified, then they are sampled consciously and analysed
- Covering assessment by means of the Hamlet algorithm

Our laboratory technicians carry out massive and airborne sampling in accordance with regulations in force to ensure accurate and exemplary data gathering.
- Quantitative detection of concentration of airborne fibres through phase contrast light microscopy (PCLM) (Method: Annexe 2A – Ministerial Decree of 06.09.1994 O J No. 288, Ordinary Supplement of the Official Journal of 10.12.1994)
- Quantitative detection of concentration of airborne asbestos fibres through scanning electron microscopy combined with dispersive energy x-ray spectroscopy. (SEM/EDS) (Method: Annexe B – Ministerial Decree of 06.09.1994 OJ No.288, Ordinary Supplement of 10.12.1994)
- Harmonised classification and labelling, definition of chemical composition and of the length weighted geometric mean diameter (LWGMD) of bulk Man Made Mineral Fibres (MMMF) on mass samples by means of scanning electron microscopy combined with dispersive energy x-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) (Method: chemical composition internal method of the Centre for Electron Microscopy – ARPA (Regional Environmental Protection Agency) department of Milan; DMGPL-2ES: Annexe 2A 22 of the European Community Regulations 761/2009 (OJEU L 220/I of 24.08.2009))

- Qualitative definition of solid matrix asbestos by means of scanning electron microscopy combined with x-ray dispersive energy spectroscopy (SEM/EDS)
(Method: Annexe. 1 B – Ministerial Decree of 06.09.1994 OJ No. 288, Ordinary Supplement of 10.12.1994) - Qualitative definition of eluate asbestos fibres by means of scanning electron microscopy combined with dispersive energy x-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS)
(Method: Annexe 1B – Ministerial Decree of 06.09.1994 OJ No. 288, Ordinary Supplement of 10.12.1994) - Qualitative definition of solid matrix asbestos by means of polarised light optical microscopy (PLOM)
(Method: Annexe 3 Ministerial Decree of 06.091994 OJ No. 288, Ordinary Supplement 10.12.1994)