Villa Ottelio Savorgnan - Ariis di Rivignano

The Complex of Villa Ottelio Savorgnan, located in the Municipal Park of the river Stella has been restored to ensure its preservation and increase in value. Villa Ottelio Savorgnan plays a prominent role in our area and will be used for administrative duties, exhibition and cultural duties, official occasions (including impressive residences for promotional campaigns and institutional meetings) and for promoting territorial resources and art exhibitions.

This role is promoted by maintaining the integrity of the monumental complex and by ensuring the highest preservation of the material and space structure of every single part of the building while highlighting its stratification and its significant changes.

The project included:

  • shell consolidation
  • restoration of exposed decorations
  • improvement of the plant-engineering network

Planners: Arch. Paolo Fasolato, Arch. Renata Foschedato – Aeditecne Firm

Visionario - Udine

The “Visionario” cultural centre for visual arts underwent energy efficiency interventions, implementation of safety measures, functional readaptation and building extension works.

The project included:

  • execution of two rooms located in the basement
  • replacement of thermal production systems and of refrigerating production plants
  • remodelling the Astra room to improve visibility


Planner: Eng. Stefano Guatti – ETA Progetti Associates

The Renati Building - Udine

Interventions were related to the preservation and restoration of the ex-Women’s Course of the Renati Institute, which is now used as the Law Pole of Udine University. The Institute, established in 1761 as an orphanage, welcomed during the years orphans to whom good manners, the Christian religion and professions were taught. Nowadays, the building still has its educational role and plays host to the Law faculty of Udine University.

The interventions included:

  • Seismic improvement of the building
  • replacement of frames and floors
  • restoration of roof covering
  • sanitation restoration


Planner: Arch. Carlo Mingotti

San Vito al Tagliamento Hospital

San Vito al Tagliamento hospital underwent interventions of energy efficiency renovation of a section of the Eastern façade and of the avant-corps of the emergency room entrance, moreover the windows and doors of the Eastern façade of the main building were replaced.

The main maintenance activities were:
  • ordinary and extraordinary repairs of buildings
  • Flooring ordinary and extraordinary repairs, ordinary and extraordinary repairs of coverings and complementary works
  • Ordinary and extraordinary repairs of window and door frames and of metal framing
  • Ordinary and extraordinary repairs regarding paint works and plasterboard works

Planner: Arch. Arch. Roberto Pilat – Design Studio CopatPilat Architects

Casermetta Moro - Codroipo

The intervention in the Casermetta Moro (Moro Barracks), which is currently the Municipal Police station of Codroipo, was related to the restoration of the historic building of 1706 and a building of 1950 was replaced by a new one. The intervention included the rehabilitation of a building complex located in the Municipality of Codroipo used as a District Police Station and as premises of other municipal administration offices.

The project aimed to find a balance between preservation and innovation by keeping the original volume and by excluding in such a way the façade from successive enlargements.

Planner: Arch. Luigi Soramel

Palazzo Vianello (The Vianello Palace) - Trieste

The restoration of the façades of Palazzo Vianello (Vianello Palace), which was built between 1903 and 1905 to the project by Architect Ruggero Berlam, was related to the consolidation of architectural elements damaged by the passing of the time. The palace, a typical example of the New Renaissance Style, was subject to interventions to ensure safety and urban decorum.

Planners: Eng. Andrea Giannantoni – Giannantoni Ingegneria Srl. – Arch. Raffaele Baldini

Casa Candussi Pasiani - Romans d'Isonzo

The Casa Candussi Pasiani, a historic building of 1751, was subject to preservation and restoration which maintained its original features. The building, nowadays used as a municipal library, was subject to interventions of seismic retrofitting, façade restoration, flooring restoration, and restoration of wooden floors paying particular attention to preserving historical evidence, such as the platers of the main façade, all stony parts, some of the internal windows and doors, chimney towers, the covering, the cobblestones of the ground floor, the exposed wooden floors and the flooring of the centre room fireplace.

Planners: Arch. Ennio Snider, Arch. Pierluigi Grandinetti, Arch. Eugenio Vassallo, Arch. Michela Cafazzo

Kindergarten - San Vendemiano

The kindergarten located in San Vendemiano belongs to a learning centre for children specifically designed to welcome up to 240 children. This project is designed for the future deployment of systems tapping alternative energy sources, such as solar panels and geothermal systems.

The building is flexible and designed for integrating alternative energies with great spaces and an external garden designed as a playground.

Planners: Arch. Toni Follina, Arch. Marco Coletti, Eng. Giovanni Crosato, Arch. Nicola Crosato

Palazzo Elti (The Elti Palace) - Gemona del Friuli

The preservation and restoration of a section of the Elti Palace civic museum entailed the construction of a reinforced concrete structure inside the courtyard, in which six stone arches coming from the Caporiacco Palace were inserted.

Planner: Arch. Sandro Pittini

Library - Tolmezzo

The restoration of the civic library of Tolmezzo, located in the old town centre, which underwent an enlargement in 2012, led to the creation of well-lit spaces thanks to stained-glass windows and a mixture of glass and wood. The restoration was focused on thermal and acoustic insulation and created a pleasant and functional environment. Well-lit spaces were created thanks to the wide stained-glass windows of the two superimposed L-shaped galleries, turned to face north.

Planner: Arch. Gianpaolo Della Marina

Convent of Cividale del Friuli

The Convent of Santa Maria in Valle and the Longobard Tempietto (i. e. small temple), among the most important Longobard urban complexes of Cividale, were subject to restoration to ensure compatibility between the antique and its new function as a visit centre, coffee bar, museum, and bookshop.

The restoration included::

  • seismic improvement
  • building of two lift-shafts
  • restoration of the wooden roof construction
  • floor insulation and overhead duct systems

Arch. Federica Quendolo – Lucca & Quendolo Firm

The San Lorenzo (i.e. St. Lawrence) Complex

The project was related to the restoration and enlargement of a building complex for hospitality and hotel use, paying particular attention to the preservation of the structure, especially of one of its sections dating back to the Napoleonic Age.

Planner: Arch. Luigi Soramel

Semi-detached house - Codroipo

The project was related to the execution of a semi-detached house in a residential area, located in the south- west area of Codroipo, in via Marinut, close by the country centre.

The intervention aimed under technical constructional respects to obtain the A class energy certification and to achieve the best living comfort through thermal and acoustic insulation and an accurate architectural planning.

Planners: Arch. Riccardo Minen – Minen Architects Firm